May 20Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

I love this post.

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Me too.

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May 20Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

Love this and can’t wait to see it flourish! Like you, there’s so many publications I’d love to become a paid subscriber to, however financially I can’t justify it right now. Perhaps in the future if I ever get paid subscribers of my own, then I’d be able to pay it forward to other creatives I desperately want to support more.

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Jenna, I appreciate the words and the kindness. I hope it's clear from my post that I see so many of us in this same financial position of wanting to pay but not feeling able. There is much to be said about community support outside of money, and that's a bigger part of what I'd like to build here. I 'm so happy you're part of that.

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May 20Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

Oh definitely! That came across wonderfully. It honestly sounds like an amazing community to be part of and for that I’m very grateful.

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May 21Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

In addition to the SmallStack Alumni Library (for those Stacks that exceed 1,000 free subscribers) maybe there could also be a library/listing of SmallStacks by paid membership (not just free subscribers) so Stacks with more than 1k free subscribers but less than 100 paid subscribers or less than 500 paid subscribers or less than 1000 paid subscribers (you pick the threshold) could continue to be listed in this kind of category. That way SmallStack readers who can pay to join can more easily find worthy smaller Stacks financially support. There is so much potential in what you’re doing here, Robin! Really, really excellent.

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Tony, these are great ideas to punt around. Let me know when you start enrolling for the master class. ;)

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May 20Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

You convinced me! I just upgraded to a paid tier, and I’d like to offer some non-monetary help as well in case you need it: I’m pretty good with spreadsheets, if you need any help with cataloguing. Also happy to just bounce ideas around if you need a brain buddy. I will look out for your future calls to action!!

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I knew I could count on you. I wish there was a bigger way to say thank you. You'll definitely be hearing from me.

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May 20Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

No need for big thanks! I’m just so excited to help 😃

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May 20Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

This is such a reassuring and heartwarming post! I'm so proud to be a part of a small, but ever-growing community like this. I love everything you're doing here.

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May 20Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

Congrats, Robin!! 🎉 I wanted to extend another hello 👋🏼 as well as volunteer my time! I would be honored to help this community continue to blossom in any way that I can. (I'm a big sucker for community 🤓)

I recently had the privilege of being on staff at the Macabre Monday newsletter, a horror community on Substack. For them, I dubbed myself the Organizational Freak of the group lol I just really like to help. Let me know if you want to make this a conversation!


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Maribel, thank you!! Community suckers are my people!! I’d be stoked to have your help. Look for me to reach out.

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May 20Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

WOOHOO!! ✨ Sounds good, looking forward. 😌

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May 20Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

Hi!! Very happy to be here and support this project, which has clearly brought a lot of joy and hope to people already.

I have a newbie question: What is a list-stack?

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Hey Becky! List-stacks are any substacks that have been created as aggregators of other substacks. SmallStack is a list-stack of the small substacks out there. Other list-stacks exist or are being made to help folks in specific categories or communities find the work they want to see. I’m starting to build recommendations of some of those which you can find on the SmallStack home page.

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May 20Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

Thank you so much!!!

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Good luck. Always looking for ways to find new readers. Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been discouraged about slow growth and slow sales of my latest novel. But I shifted my thinking to “finding readers” instead of “growth and sales.” I hope this helps my own mindset and catering more to readers.

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I think mindset is a big part of this, especially letting go of our initial expectations so that we can see the options in front of us.

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May 20Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

I love how you're approaching this, and I'm excited to see where it goes. I want to also offer my hand if the work ever gets to be too much and you need a volunteer to offer support. I think this is a great initiative and would love to help if it's needed.

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Macey, thank you so much! I may just take you up on that offer.

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Thank you Robin. As a real newbie, I am reaching out frantically to try and attract Subscribers (unpaid - paid is way off for me). In approx three weeks, I have the princely sum of two dozen Subscribers + I have no idea how many casual readers access me on F/B and X. Like Jenna below, I cannot afford to go paid for the moment.

I think it's sad that some Substackers - I subscribe to four - have turned off Comments to unpaid regulars. I understand if there's a troll out there, it keeps it private, but I love to read comments, bad as well as good and I enjoy commenting myself if I have something to add. The baddies give themselves away and I would have thought they're their own worst promoters and would wilt if no-one took any notice of them. Perhaps I'm being very naive here!

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Sue, dealing with harmful comments can be a big drain on some folks, so I certainly understand why someone would restrict comments to paid subs only. I felt when I did it that I was missing out, and so I opted to vigilantly moderate comments. For those stacks with bigger followings, this gets tough to accomplish. These are difficult topics with no single correct answer.

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May 20Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

This is amazing. I'm happy to help in whatever small way I can. I know restacking is one, so I'll get on with that right now. 🤓

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Lisa, you’re the best! Thank you!

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May 20Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

Paid subscription is a good way to screen out bullies. They’ll have to pay if they want to insult you. I am just a reader but i block the bullies. Too bad they are here to antagonize the truthers but supposedly free speech and all that. There are limits, tho, to free speech. It seems many violate those limits. The writers ✍🏽 here are empathetic, kind and supportive to each other and newbies as you’ve already experience. Welcome to Substack. 🥰

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Very good points, Joanne. Moderation is something we can all contribute to in the comments. You as the reader have the power to report comments that are clearly in violation of substack standards (grey though they may be).

My contract in this space with you is that I intend to help this community thrive on kindness.

And also I’ve caught wild chickens, so I’ve got mad skills.

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May 20Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

Haha. I like that!!! Yes i do report. I don’t know if anything is done. Exec team is loathe to do content moderation. They let us know. The block button seems to be the only protection for no paid content. But paid means non payers cannot communicate w/you. We can only “like” to let you know we care and/or restack.

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May 20Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

“That’s right, SmallStack is no longer eligible to be listed on… SmallStack. Huh.” … when this happens to other SmallStacks listed in the library (as it is almost certain to do over time) I suggest you also create a SmallStack Alumni Library. SmallStack is now the first official alumni entry. 🎉👍🏼

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Tony! Brilliant! I was already working on a process for that, but I absolutely love creating an Alumni Library. Thank you!!

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May 20Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

It’s a fabulous idea! And the. The alumni can read, encourage and restock other little guys. Love this.

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When the right community of people gather, amazing inspiration happens.

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May 20·edited May 20Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

I do see the point, Robin. Of course, those writing about contentious issues need a big team to deal with malevolent comments, so opting out makes sense. Thanks for your response. I shall look out for future posts.

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May 20Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

I really appreciate you doing this! I can't support monetarily but I'm wondering if there's any way we could volunteer our time to help make it manageable for you? Idk what that would even look like, but I'd love to support if possible : )

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Jeremy, you warm my heart with your generosity. I’m working on some ways you and others can pitch in to help, which I’ll include in a future post to everyone.

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May 20Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

Thank you for doing what you do. Reading this post brought a smile to my face.

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Raksha, that’s awesome.

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May 20Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

You don’t have to reply to this, just click “like”:so I know you’ve seen it. 😊

I can’t afford to pay right now, but one day, I will.

I’m going to tell everyone (not on substack…because we want more readers, yes?) to check out your library when you set it up, to subscribe and pay if they can.

Thank you. I think, just by doing this, you’ve lifted the spirits of many here.

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Neena, I totally see you. And thank you. I’m so glad you’re part of this.

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