Jun 18Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

Hi, I have a question: What are you using to record your voiceovers? Thanks for your newsletter!

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Will, you’re not going to be impressed. I used my Plantronics headset that’s hooked to my computer for phone calls and meetings. Someday I’ll have a better setup….

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Jun 19Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

Hey, it still sounds good. Are you able to record directly into Substack, or are you using some different software? Thanks!

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I just record straight onto the substack post once I'm done writing it. I've done a couple of these, and they're super easy to create. Hardest part is not slipping up on words! I thought it was a frivolous feature at first, but then someone pointed out to me that others need audio to access content, and that was a great shift in understanding for me. I am all about accessibility.

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Jun 18Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

A search function sounds incredible! Great work, Robin(s), and thank you for creating this community.

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Thanks, Tiffany! Things are really growing around here, though they may feel like invisible roots for a little while. Those roots have some big dreams.

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Jun 18Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

Thank you for all your work on this. Also, loved the imagery here.

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As one storyteller to another (or perhaps to hundreds of other storytellers), I really hoped you would enjoy this.

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Jun 18Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

Thank you for your curation and community!

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I’m so glad you’re here as part of this community, Maura!

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Jun 18Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

Thanks for your hard work on this community!

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Keyon, you’re welcome! This place is worth all the effort.

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Jun 18Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

Thank you, Robin! It's awesome that you're showcasing us little Substacks! I have also submitted my publication to the SmallStack Library--excited for September!

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Sweet! I can’t wait to see you and everyone else in the library shine!

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Jun 18Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

love the inclusivity in this orchard. this feels like such a thoughtful space.

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Jan, I’m glad you feel that way. That’s exactly what I dreamed of, and here it is growing around me. It feels amazing.

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Jun 18Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

I can't resist sharing my walnut tree story. Here at the Hidden Pond I try to let one section of meadow stay open, cutting back birches, alders and multiflora rose, so naturally I went after the lone tree that I thought was another volunteer birch. I cut it right to the ground year after year, until early in the pandemic when I missed a year. The following year I discovered it had shot up, leafed out and was clearly not a birch. Turns out to be a black walnut, probably planted by a squirrel. It's now at least 10 feet tall, putting out new branches every year. Have not seen nuts yet, but maybe it won't be too much longer. I leave it to all your creative minds to find the metaphor or moral of the story. I am just happy for the SmallStack orchard.

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Wow! Mt little tree would never keep coming back after being cut down, so that much be one tenacious tree you have there! Whatever metaphors you have on resilience, that’s your emblem right there!

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Love that you see resilience and tenacity in the trees. Yours is well on its way now!

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Jun 18Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

Thank you for this labor of love and your wonderful metaphors💗 Great job!

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Thanks, Nneka! There is so much joy to spread here!

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Jun 18Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

A growth story: Almost a year ago I found a Phalaenopsis orchid in a skip. It still had its yellow gift-wrap, but it had finished flowering, so someone had tossed it in the rubbish. I took it home and repotted it. That started my Phalaenopsis craze: I became obsessed with rescuing the ones that had been knocked down to ten or twelve dollars at the hardware shop- again, because they had finished flowering.

(I wrote about my orchid-obsession here: https://rosiewhinray.substack.com/p/orchid-hospital )

I knew that in theory it was possible for the orchids to reflower the next year, but I kind of didn't dare hope that any of them would. I was more concerned with getting them through the Wellington Winter, delicate tropical beings that they are. Anyway, a few weeks back I dreamed that the smallest one was flowering, so the next day, when I was putting them on the windowsill for some Winter light, I had a close look at them. Not the smallest one but that very first one, the one I found in the rubbish, was making a tiny flower shoot.

That metaphor of plant growth feels right for my work. Incremental growth, responsive to the conditions. The orchids are factory-farmed for their flowers, but they're living things, ya know? There's life beyond being pretty for other people's fickle pleasure.

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Rosie, I'm a Phalaenopsis and Masdevallia nerd! I'm impressed that you've got a rescue program going for those little souls who deserve someone to look after them. I certainly don't have your gift of keeping orchids alive, but I love this story you've shared.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

Ha ha, thanks, but right after I wrote the aforementioned piece, I accidentally murdered one of them... https://rosiewhinray.substack.com/p/the-force-that-through-the-green

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Jun 18Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

Looking forward to launch day!

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So are we! It's going to be quite the party.

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Jun 18Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

Love this entry. Particularly because "slow growth" have been my default for the past year in other social media networks and then I brought that way of things here to Substack.

Small and intentional growth trumps over "super quick and then disappear" kind of growth any day (even if it doesn't look glamourous to others).

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Juan, that's exactly how we feel about growth!

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Jun 19Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

Delighted to hear about this. :)

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Jun 19Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

Love you voice and narrative style. Not always easy to nail it. You do!

Congratulations on Small Stack!

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Thanks, PK! I think it can be nice to hear a real person's voice sometimes. Maybe this way you'll all know I'm not a robot.

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Jun 19Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

I gotta podcasty mic from Amazon for $40ish and it made my voiceover sound soooo much better! And consequently made me more confident doing them. Also looks very cool. Will share the deets if you're interested

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I'd love to know what you got!

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Jun 19Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

This lil one; check the audio on my last post if you want to hear how it sounds and a few weeks back I did audio on some other posts via plantronics speakerphone and u can compare!

AUDIOPRO USB Microphone, Cardioid... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09F3KNCSY?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

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Thanks, Andrew! I'll check that out!

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Jun 19Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

‘Here we all are, some tiny whips, some large saplings, others enormous trees lending shade and shelter.’

Such sweet and reassuring imagery, Robin… I just love the landscape you’ve set for us here. We are a rhizomatic community, indeed, growing together and yet in our own deliciously unique ways.

Thank you for this love letter!!

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A rhizomatic community! I love that! ❤️

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Jun 19Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

Very exciting, looking forward to September

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Likewise, Sophie!

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