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Aug 2Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

sunday will be my 52nd consecutive post, a year of stories on substack!

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Wowser, congrats!

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Aug 2Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

Courage is essential! As is humility and celebrating things that are important to YOU, not necessarily society as a whole. The smallest steps are the best. Celebrate.

!! Love this small forum!


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Aug 2Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Erin Mercer, Robin Taylor (he/him)

This recent post is going to get republished in my local paper, and they committed to paying me a reprint fee!


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Aug 2Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

I completed two articles today and got a new subscriber. Successful day if you ask me 😎

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Aug 1Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

Just yesterday I opened up paid subscriptions to my Substack, Marginal Notes! I also started a subscriber chat: Both the chat and all of my posts are available to both free and paid subscribers. The chief benefit of signing up for a paid subscription is supporting me as a young writer and artist.

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Aug 1Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

My small win, I'm getting closer to double digit subscribers. Got another subscriber, bring my total to nine. I'm having ice cream when I hit ten!

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

Hi Jael - I'm going to copy you on a note...synchronicity signals on SmallTalk..I hope that tips you to 10 ;-)

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Aug 1Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

I love this encouragement to focus on 'wins' that aren't just about soaring stats - thank you!

The most meaningful 'success' for me is when something I've written leads to a real conversation with someone who shares my interests. Yesterday I added a follow-up note to my first ever post (on languages in Wolf Hall) and received thoughtful and interesting comments in response about both British constitutional history and Welsh grammar - a huge win for me.

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Aug 1Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

My small win is that I’m only 9 away from 100 subscribers, and I have my first paid! I nailed down a name and schedule for my podcast.

After struggling with some grief related depression the last month these small wins feel much much bigger than they might normally. But, I’m excited all the same!

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Aug 1Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

Anything you do in the context of mental illness is truly a big win. May you continue to move forward!

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Aug 1Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

Hi there all you cool people,

My not-so-small win came right at the end of July, moments after I published a very meta-poetry that I dared to submit in a contest after nearly 2 years. My essay was featured in the flagship newsletter of Asian Writers' Collective. It was also liked and shared by people which made my jaw drop.

Apparently, this essay was not one of my regular posts on (M. Teller) where I analyze randomness. This was my introduction post, originally written in 2022 in a different place. There, it was overlooked and even downvoted by some.

This was new, and it was made possible because of people like you!

I will be supporting and connecting with all of you!

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AWC is doing some amazing promotion of voice just like yours. I'm so glad we have these newer spaces focused on uplifting community. It sounds like you're finding an audience who really appreciates your work!

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Aug 2Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

Thanks Robin!

Yes I am getting views on the dormant posts. I hope folks like the 'strictly not for entertainment' series despite its name.

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Aug 1Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

When I started Human/Mother back in February, my goal was to publish one well-crafted essay per month. Well, this past month, I reached a milestone: ten posts/personal essays in five months. I exceeded--doubled--my goal! 😁

I've also received some likes and comments from folks who I do not personally know (but hope to get to know through this wonderful platform), which just fills my heart and my tank.

Thanks, @SmallStack for opening this SmallTalk topic because small wins are also BIG wins, and it's important to recognize them. Ironically, I wrote on this topic last month in my essay titled "BIG": https://katrinadonhamwrites.substack.com/p/big?r=3cnvg1

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Well done, Katrina! And thank you for sharing your sweet story about your daughter. Reading it I felt proud of her and proud of YOU for your care and self-awareness.

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Aug 1Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

What a pick-me-up to read all these wins!!! Grateful to everyone for sharing so generously.

My win is that I'm back at it this week after a weeklong break that turned into a 3-week break because the silence that not writing created seemed somehow sacred and I couldn't bring myself to break it. I woke up this morning with something to say and a desire to share so here I go ...

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Welcome back, Tawnia! Breaks are such an underrated part of the creative process.

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I agree. It’s such an interesting (and unending?) process to find the sweet spot where you’re aligning with your inner rhythm, seasons and cycles in creating your art rather than complying with an outer pull to “produce”. I have to catch myself bowing to the conditioning to “think of something to say b/c I have to say something” and settle back in to allowing what is real to reveal itself through me. I’m still learning my flow.

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Aug 1Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

My small win is following my urge to write a vulnerable post and that it resonated with some of my Substack community members :)

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That's wonderful, Nathalie! You're welcome to link it here, too, if you like (no pressure 😊).

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Aug 2Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)
Aug 1Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

Hi everyone! My small win is writing this week's newsletter despite a gradual mental health spiral due to my mom's upcoming PET scan (she's halfway through her 3rd chemo regimen, her cancer recurred a 2nd time). It's small because I don't really get to earn from my Substack (I work full-time), but I do this out of passion and to keep a sense of "normalcy" amidst the craziness of caring for our home, 2 dogs, and my sick mom.

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Congrats, Regina! I'm so grateful you made a little time for yourself (and for us!) this week.

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Thank you, Robin!

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Hi Regina, thought you might need a hug. CT, PET, MRI, biopsy-experienced caregiver here. Limbo-uncertainty state sucks. xo I see you. Chemo sucks too.

Have a look around the Carer Mentor website (aka Substack) I think you'll find other folks who empathise with what you're experiencing. https://www.carermentor.com/

If you haven't connected to Suleika's community I highly recommend it: https://theisolationjournals.substack.com/

Friday gratitudes will be back in her chat in August I think


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Thanks for sharing these, Victoria! Will check them out. 😊

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Aug 1Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

Hello everyone. My small win is that I've just nailed down my offerings for paid and founding members and I'm really comfortable with it. And by that I mean that I think I'm finally giving loads of value on things that people might really be interested in and I haven't got that question mark in my head of "Is it enough?" Or "Is it the right thing?"

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Yay, Danielle! I hope that feels sooooooo good.

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Aug 1Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

Loving all the messages on here, especially from those starting out.

At Running Tales, the aim is to talk about those everyday runners who have achieved outstanding things - rather than the superstars we see getting attention every day.

I like to think that is similar to the ethos SmallStack has when celebrating writers who are starting out on their journey and who are doing fantastic things without the acknowledgment given to bigger Substacks.

We are lucky enough to have reached 468 subs now, so are in ‘danger’ of getting too big for SmallStack 😔 but will always endeavour to boost the voices of those who find it less easy ti be heard, but deserve to be.

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That's a fabulous idea for a newsletter, Craig, and very aligned with the SmallStack ethos. And our criteria for the library is actually <1000 subs, so you aren't too big yet. And even when (not if) you get there, you'll always be welcome in our community. 😊

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Aug 1Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

Thank you, for some reason I thought it was 500 but I shall celebrate remaining small 👌

What is it they say, ‘the best things come in small packages’!

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We do pay extra attention to the <500 crowd and have mentioned that a few times. Sorry we confused you!

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Aug 1Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him), Cheshir

I just hit 79 subscribers! Very exciting 😬

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Great job, Bonnie!

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Congratulations, Bonnie! :)

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I love all the pictures on your publication Bonnie. They just make me want to go and sit outside!

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Oh thank you Danielle!

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Aug 1Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him), Cheshir

Hi everyone! What a lovely idea to support others also just starting out.

After hitting my 1 yr life day anniversary, I realized it was time to talk about my new disability after getting meningitis and how inaccessible society is. First post is up 'Rowing With The Flow' and just got my first like 👍 Its truly fantastic to read posts and articles and learn a thing or two as I figure out this adventure.

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Congrats, Ellen! I went over in hopes of being your 2nd like, but it looks like I'll have to settle for being your 5th. 😊 I'm so glad you're here!

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Aug 1Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him), Cheshir

My Substack publication, Age of Enlightenment, won Second Place for Online Humor in the National Society of Newspaper Columnists' 2024 Columnist Contest.

A very big surprise for my small Stack!

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Congrats, Amanda!

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Thank you, Robin!

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Awesome! Congratulations, Amanda!

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Thank you, Regina!

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Aug 1Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him), Cheshir

My small win is the fact that there are a few dozen people in the world who read what I write here every week. I am so grateful.

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That's pretty amazing! Imagine all those people in a room, and it feels even bigger.

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Aug 1Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G., Cheshir

I've always been an interdisciplinary kind of person, even decades before it was popular, when everyone thought I just "couldn't decide." It carries over into my writing—kind of hard to explain what I do. And then a few days ago here came another Substacker, @Tara Penry, and provided the perfect words. She said about my latest post, "Here is literary reading practiced as blessing." I'm still floating from it! Here's the post for reference. It's about a poem that grabbed me unexpectedly: https://priscillastuckey.substack.com/p/51-like-the-ocean-it-wont-let-me?r=1mk0zn&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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That is so lovely, Priscilla! The world tries too hard to put us into neatly categorized boxes. I'm glad you've kept being yourself!

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Aug 1Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

Thanks, Robin! It does make marketing a little complicated. I've had to let go of the results many many times. It's always a practice—just being with what-is, in ourselves and in our work.

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Oh it’s beautiful Priscilla!! A win indeed ❤️

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Aug 1Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Rose G.

Thank you, Rose!

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G., Cheshir

Wrote and put up a fiction piece after a long break. I am finding it hard to put it in words but I am calmer now. And oddly fidgety for a new topic to strike and write more.

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Aug 1Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Rose G.

Congrats! The "just having written" vibe is great, isn't it?

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Definitely. I want to continue writing just to be in that zone.

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G., Cheshir

For one, reading through everyone's positive strides really perked up my mood! There are so many of us here on Substack & it's cool to have a place to gather & touch base about our progress. Wins big & small, all worth celebrating!

As for myself, I've hit a publishing routine that I'm pretty happy with, so I am experimenting a little -- both to keep things interesting for myself and to send out little feelers about what else might resonate with my readers. I broke format for my last post to write about something I care deeply about! It went over fine, no resounding success or total flop, but it was such a pleasure to write. & that's what I'm here for.

Keep at it, SmallStack! Talk to y'all soon x

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Aug 1Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Rose G.

The pleasure of it—ahhhhhhhhh!

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Erin Mercer, Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G., Cheshir

So fun reading all of these, thank you for providing this platform! I started my substack, Chicken Soup, a few months ago where I share my favorite children's books, process as an illustrator and the overlap of motherhood with it all. I have 32 subscribers now and I've still been figuring out my cadence of posting and what will be helpful to share or resonate, while also wanting to not put too much pressure on myself on here and just write what I want. I'm struggling a bit to find community connections and get my posts seen but overall I love it here!

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Rose G.

Carly! Hi from a fellow mom and solopreneur, figuring things out but also loving it here. Just wanted to say way to go and you're not alone! <3

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Rose G.

Hi Emily! Thanks for saying hi- excited to follow along with you!

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Rose G.

Hi Carly, Congrats on 32 subscribers! Bravo for navigating towards your own cadence and not getting swept up and pressuring yourself.

I think I have a perfect connection for you, someone I met at the last SmallTalk: https://susancabael.substack.com/ I loved the books she highlights

Here's a link to her 'origin story' SmallTalk comment 16 July: https://smallstack.substack.com/p/smalltalk-2-origin-stories/comment/62533014?utm_campaign=comment-list-share-cta&utm_medium=web&comments=true&commentId=62533014&utm_source=substack

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Hi Victoria. What do you mean met on the last smalltalk? Do you do virtual events that I should keep an eye out for? Im brand new to the app and small talk but love the atmosphere and will be sure to check out the other posts soon!

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Hi Ellen, SmallStack hosts these SmallTalk threads on different topics every other week, so our next one will be the week of Aug 12. I hope we'll see you there!

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Hi Ellen, nice to meet you. I meant that I commented on a comment-post from Susan Cabael (that's my definition of meeting someone) at the last discussion (SmallTalk) thread that the SmallStack team organised (see link above).

I don't know if the team will organise any virtual events.

I'm loving this community spirit too!

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Rose G.

Thanks again for this intro Victoria!

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G., Cheshir

I got my 25th subscriber this week! It may be a small win, but it’s a goal I’m proud to have achieved! 🥳🥳🥳

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Yes, Kayla! Well done!

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Aug 1Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Rose G.

Thank you, Robin!!!

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G., Cheshir

My small win last week was using the Chat function and engaging in conversation. I love to see what comes from people's minds!

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Aug 1Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Rose G.

Welcome to Chat! I love the Chat function and the conversations it makes possible. I'm autistic, so one-on-one is where I'm most comfortable. Chat allows me to connect with people in my favorite way.

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G., Cheshir

I now have 50 subscribers for my Substack Grace Infused Messy Life and my small win is that a number of those are now people who I don’t know - they have just discovered me here, and are very welcome.

I’m also realising that my aim here is less about growing a platform and more about finding my tribe.


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Agree with finding our tribe versus exponential growth. Every subscriber (and even unsubscriber) helps us find and be found by those who resonate with what we write!

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Helen congrats on 50!! That’s so exciting! 💛

I totally identify with shifting to a bigger focus on finding your tribe, I’ve really leaned into that as well!

PS We have some exciting things planned here at SmallStack coming soon to hopefully help us all with that too 🤞 💜 😃

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Erin Mercer, Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G., Cheshir

What an inspiring thread here! I am choosing to gently remind myself (frequently) that my goal is not really how many subscribers sign up for my Stack (Continuing Wonderment) but how valuable and rich the opportunities are here. I have only so much bandwidth for engaging, as do all of us, and need to carefully choose which topics, stories and journeys to follow, ones that might resonate with my own. I'm just one voice among thousands of others who share their brilliant hearts and souls and knowledge. So while I get a little 🎉 when I see someone has decided to subscribe (i.e. spend some of their precious time engaging with me) I 'm grateful , but amassing thousands of subscribers is not my main reason for being here. Smallstack is great!

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Rose G.

I'm always amazed by the people who continually read and engage and scatter happiness and support everywhere. I, too, feel very limited by time and am always searching for the words that carry the most meaning for me. But there's SO MUCH great stuff on Substack. It can definitely be overwhelming!

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G.

Totally, TBH I keep a mail folder 'To Savour' - nerd me, unlike others, doesn't put a auto-filter to folder on...but that could be a good way to go. I like to read the titles and see the author then it gets filed OR I save on the desktop app to read in my 'reading times'. I highly recommend having a block for those longer reads you REALLY want to savour.

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Rose G.

That’s such a great idea! I’m going to create my own “To Savor” file right now! 😊

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P.S Don't forget if you go to 'home' under your profile, it'll take you to Notes and on the left column menu you have your Full Inbox - and can filter to saved articles there...

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Umm. I had no idea that existed. I was thinking about sorting my email. Thank you for the info!!

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Yes I was talking about email you weren't wrong, Katrina. I was just pointing out that in addition you have that reference on the app too.

TBH I read from my email inbox and click through to comment in app....to get even nerdier - I use my email 'flag' email to highlight a paid member's article, or a fave writer..

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G., Cheshir

Tomorrow my post will share my second poem published (the first submission). I’m almost at 300 subs which seems bonkers to me for something I do in my spare time… have enjoyed this journey I’ve been on for two years now.

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Wow good for you Bryn!! Two years and 300 subs … you are an amazing role model showing us consistency what it looks like to stick with it for the long game 💗

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Thank you so much, Rose, that’s very kind of you! ☺️

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G., Cheshir

My small win this week is trying something different and experimenting on my Substack. I have been feeling a bit down so wanted to see how to inspire myself over my birthday month this August.

So I created a daily adventure for myself (designed to be trauma aware and super do-able) and invited others to join me: https://open.substack.com/pub/notesfromcatriona/p/august-inspiration-adventure?r=fydqj&utm_medium=ios

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Catriona I absolutely love your August challenge!! Fantastic idea and a wonderful win!! 💛

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Aw thank you Rose. Nice to meet you here!

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G., Cheshir

Here js a Small Win. I found a name for my publication because of the discussion around the name origin questions. So here is my first post under the new name “Ubuntu Connected”.


I hope you enjoy the read.



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Richard that makes me so happy that the Origin Story series helped you get past the name block!! Yay!!! 😁

It helped me too by pushing me to write up a post about my Origin Story!

So glad you’re here!

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Rose G.

I found naming my newsletter a difficult thing - almost worse than naming my children!

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G., Cheshir

This is all so heartwarming, thank you all for sharing. My week started with a wobble - no hearts for a post and one subscriber left. Which shouldn't bother me as I'm here for the journey, but you know, what's a few shed tears of self doubt between friends? But when I posted that in a comment on someone else's post, someone jumped in and not only subscribed, but RECOMMENDED my publication. Then someone else subscribed, which took me over the 50 mark (after sitting on 49 for weeks) and it was full-on waterworks all over the kitchen floor.😭

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G.

Shoni, I lost my full-time job 18 months ago, so I have very limited funds to subscribe to Substackers. My solution is to subscribe to those I love for a month or two, and then switch that subscription to someone else. It's a way to read lots of different writers and to share the love a little bit. When money isn't an object, I'll subscribe to everyone! But I hope that gives you a little insight into why someone might unsubscribe. Sometimes it has nothing at all to do with your writing and everything to do with their current financial situation. Keep going! :)

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Rose G.

It's free! But I like that idea too, thanks for sharing. 😊

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Rose G.

What a great idea to subscribe for just a month! Thanks for teaching me something new today.

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Rose G.

I must admit I learned it from someone else, but it’s a great way to spread the love! <3

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Rose G.


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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G.

I try to keep in mind why I’ve unsubscribed to things in the past (usually too many great things to read and trying to streamline a bit!) when I have someone unsubscribe. It can be so tough. But congrats on the recommendation!

One word about my experience w/ recommendations that links with the unsubscribe theme: a friend recommended me and I got several new subscribers (yay!), but a few of them left within the first week (not yay). I tried to remind myself that my publication is not for everyone and therefore won’t resonate with everyone, but it doesn’t mean it didn’t sting.

I wish you continued growth with invested subscribers!

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Rose G.

That sounds tough, thank you for sharing, and for understanding. I mean, I do have a bit of a buffer in reality, because only about 23 ppl are engaging and reading the posts. I think I have a ways to go when it comes to skill development, which is where I'm mostly focusing my energy right now. How long have you been Stacking?

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

Everyone can benefit from skill development I think! I’ve been publishing on Substack for a little over a year. It took a while to find a rhythm, and I don’t have a ton of time to invest in growth since I have a “day job” that keeps me very busy. But I’ve really enjoyed connecting with more people in the last few months.

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Rose G.

That's an amazing win, Shoni!

I read somewhere here on Substack a while ago about how when someone unsubscribes it can be quite a freeing process for us as the unsubscribee. The person worded it much better than I can! But I think in essence, their message was that rather than unsubscribes being a sign of rejection of us and our writing, it's a sign that they just want to spend their energy on something else, which is fine, as it means we can focus our energy on other things too.

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Rose G.

Yes, totally. I'll think I'm going well, taking things in stride, and I even wrote myself a little note called "You are not your art", but when things happen, I don't know, I just...react.🤷🏽‍♀️

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G., Cheshir

One of my wins was spending a glorious time reading every single win and comment on this thread. I look so forward to SMALLTALK now, and even though this is only the 3rd iteration, I find it such an uplifting space to exist in.

My week has been so full of tiny wins I’m going to do a bullet point list to remind myself of them:

•today I was asked for a hug from a ten year old kid who had such a lovely time in the bookstore I work in, because I had trusted him to be gentle with the books when his parents weren’t sure he could do it (he was so thoughtful and not a single book was harmed!)

• I re-wrote all the chapters of my novel that used lyrics from songs (after I found out how costly and time consuming getting the rights would be) and I think they might actually be better without the lyrics!

•I took a chance and applied for a job with a pro-autistic organization that I admire and I have an interview this Thursday!

•I made a friend in the parking lot of a drug store tonight just because I stopped and listened to her stories about the moon, and she wanted me to know about tonight’s meteor shower. I also got to pet her dog, Garbo, and offer to help her sort her house because it had been overwhelming her. A neurodivergent friendship meet-cute for the books!

(That and the people who’ve been engaging with my newsletter and podcast have been especially kind and enthusiastic this week. Woot!)

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These are such heartwarming wins! The ten-year-old, my goodness! 🥹 Good luck with your interview, I hope it goes amazingly well!

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Wake we are so glad you’re here 💛 Thanks for helping to create this beautiful SmallTalk community 🙏

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Aug 1Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G.

Thank you! This is such a lovely place to be. It feels like a gentle social hour that goes on for days. A asynchronous beautiful chat that has introduced me to so many incredible creative people.

I really do feel so grateful to be here.

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Your story about the ten year old giving you a hug is the winner for me!

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

For me as well! It was a perfect moment.

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And pure! I bet that kid didn’t think anything more than a whole heap of gratitude that motivated the hug.

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G., Cheshir

It’s made me so happy to read these small wins - congrats to everyone! I’ve been in a blocked place, and did not reach my goal this month, but the small win I’m taking (realized over the past few days): I’m not putting out something just to meet a made-up deadline, but trusting that when the time & mood is right I’ll be able to write something I’m proud to publish. I’ve been reading a lot more at least, and that has been wonderful.

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Those sounds like great wins Robin! I’ve been reading more as well, which feels really good and I have to believe it will help our writing too 💜

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G., Cheshir

My win is to have turned my dream of writing on Substack into a reality with 5 posts within 2 months and 98 subscribers, and some very lovely feedback from my colleagues in the climate and Ecopsychology worlds, along with very interesting comments. So much more companionable than locking myself away working in a book for years, not knowing what will come of it. So grateful to have discovered Substack and now Smallstack.

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

Ecopsychology sounds interesting. What is that?

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G.

Hi Shoni, a great question! Ecopsychology emphasises that our well-being (body and mind) rests upon the consciousness that humans are formed by and embedded within a world of ecological connections. We cannot thrive if we think and live as if we are not a part of our living world. My newsletter’s title Psyche’s Nest is a poetic way of saying this. Thanks for your interest 🙏

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Rose G.

Sounds cool, I'll check it out!

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G., Cheshir

My small win is enjoying the writing process of crafting stories and getting comments back on the work that it was enjoyable to read. There was a long period of time, years in fact, where I didn't write at all. I thought I could no longer write clearly and bring my ideas to written form. Writing here, with no word count, no deadline, no editor to answer to, has provided the creative freedom perhaps I needed to find joy in the process again. I think it shows in my writing. I hope my posts interests more people in my subject matter, professional wrestling, too.

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Leaning into the freedom of creativity is definitely a win, good one!! 😊

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G., Cheshir

First, I’m having a moment of gratitude that as I keep exploring the Substack playground, I’m discovering wonderful communities like this and others who make celebration of our wins NORMAL. So that’s a win! Today, I also had a wonderful virtual coffee chat with a new free subscriber who upgraded to a founding member after our chat. And, I’m celebrating staying true to my heart in what I share on Substack and not getting caught up in the marketing/push for growth noise.🌹

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Wow a founding member is so exciting, that must’ve felt wonderful and supportive! 🤗

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Thank you Rose, it absolutely did. I hope you’re also feeling the wonderful magic around your memoir!

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Indeed I sure am, thank you Dr. Ato 🙏 💛

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G., Cheshir

Can we also ask for tips here? I don’t know if that’s copacetic… but as someone who finds choosing images for posts incredibly challenging I would love to hear where people look for graphics or how they pick one!

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Rose G.

"Copacetic" was one of my mom's favorite words. :) I use a lot of my own photos, but I also do some free image searches on Pixabay and Pexels. Sometimes my pictures more literally represent what I'm writing about, but I also use images that give me the feeling I want to convey as well.

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I got it from my Dad! He’s got a very robust vocabulary and I find myself using cherished words I learned as a kid often :) Thank you for the tip! I need to get better at searching for images that align with a feeling - I’m too literal and don’t always love the result.

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What kind of images are you looking for? I make a lot of digital collages for my posts using open access images from the met gala or Smithsonian…I think a lot of people use pexels if you’re just looking for a stock photo kind of thing

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Anything that fits … my stories are often about being sick or being in hospital and I feel like I’ve run out of Stock photos within the app. I’m also someone who’s always preferred words to images and don’t have an eye for it.

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Hi Broadwaybabyto, by the way, yes it’s totally fine to ask these kinds of questions here 😊

Also, feel free to continue the conversation here, but I’ll also bring this back to the SmallStack team to put on the idea list for future topics. I’ll bet there are lots of people who have similar questions about images! 💜

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That would be great - thanks so much! Choosing photos and knowing how to credit, where it’s “ok” to take photos from and what kinds of images display better has been the biggest part of the learning curve for me. I’m clearly a word gal! Would be great to see thjs topic covered in more detail as I feel like everyone has stronger image game than me!

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My go-tos are Pixabay and Unsplash.

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Thank you! Unsplash is the one built into substack right? Will try Pixabay next. I’m still learning what keywords to use to get the right images. Definitely one of my biggest hurdles right now.

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

I've always used the unsplash.com site itself (I was here on Substack before they embedded that option, so I forget it's there!) so I don't know if there's more options if you go to the site directly. It definitely can be tricky to find the right image (which sometimes tells me if I haven't landed on exactly what the "theme" of the post is). Besides unsplash and pixabay.com, some other sites I found: freepix.com, pexels.com, nappy.co, shotstash.com. Canva can also be good for this, too. :)

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G., Cheshir

I've got 10 (!!) Subscribers since starting writing about 2 months ago. It still blows my mind that people are willing to give me their email address so I can share my thoughts on topics I can talk about for hours.

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G.

It’s such a great feeling when people say “heck yes I will give you my email because I want to keep hearing what you have to say”. Welcome to Substack!

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

Thank you! 💕

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G., Cheshir

My small wins are that I took a month long hiatus from writing and am ready to come back, and in getting ready for the comeback wrote my first non-fiction piece that made me cry.

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Yessss William that actually sounds like a huge win, or at least coming back with a bang! Well done, and glad you’re here 🙏

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G., Cheshir

After creating a readers survey, I feel more connected to everyone who wants to manage their blood glucose without dieting. It feels awesome!

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You sound like such a gift to the Diabetes community, I’m thankful for the spirit of giving you bring here to SmallStack 🙏

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G., Cheshir

Sharing my small win this week - my stack was shared on another social media site for the first time - by someone other than me! Quite an exciting moment when that happens.

On a personal note - I was finally able to remove the heart monitor I’ve worn for the last week and take a proper shower. I savoured it!

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Rose G.

Aww BIG hug, thats so awesome. Congrats and oohhh yay proper shower!

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Thank you! Was so nice to go to bed clean and no longer holter sticky 😂

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I think you could write a whole article on that! VERY happy for you...our little corner of the world got a little extra hot last night..but here it rains more than heat.

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Ha! I probably could. I actually wrote a thread on another platform about my tips for managing holters with severe MCAS… maybe it would make a good post here! Thank you for the suggestion - I never know what to post here and not. Still learning. Slow and steady.

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That's a great idea to write about. DM me if you're looking for suggestions, I love ideation, soundboarding, brainstorming! xo

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Congratulations on both having your piece shared and the heart monitor removal! I remember my first shower after they took mine off and it was glorious!

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Thank you! I’ve got bad POTS so showers are generally not my friend….but when you go a number of days without one even the most dizzying difficult shower feels pretty glorious.

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Such great wins, congrats! 🎊

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Thank you!!

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Oh, that always feels great!

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It does! It’s nice to know people are reading … when you’re just starting out it can feel like writing into the void.

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G.

I still don't understand why some writers have thousands ++ views and this collection of outstanding columnists aspire for three digits. However, the community I feel from hanging out with all of you feels sooooo good.

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This is absolutely what we live for here at SmallStack Janice - to help writers with newer publications feel welcome and appreciated along the slow journey to larger readerships. We are soooo glad you’re here 💜

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Jul 31Liked by Erin Mercer, Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G., Cheshir

I wrote a post that got me 17 new subscribers! I might get one or two, but not 17! I am blown away.

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Wow!!! Congratulations

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Janine that’s fantastic, congratulations! Any takeaways on what was different about this post that may have led to a burst of new subscribers?

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Rose G.

No idea. I write about similar topics all the time. For whatever reason, my title (I assume) drew people in and they liked what they read. 🤷‍♀️

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

Ahh, one of life’s mysteries doing it’s thing. May it keep bringing you continued bursts! 🎉

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

Thank you!

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That’s awesome! Congratulations! What was the post?

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It was about adjusting your yoga practice for your aging body.

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Ooh I’m going to go find it! I’ve got a connective tissue disease that meant I had to scale WAY back on my yoga - and I’m still mourning the loss as I was an avid yogi. Finding ways to adapt to make my practice safer has been a challenge.

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

Ooh, I'm sorry. Grief like that can be so hard. Overstretching can be a real problem. Listening to your body is key, although you may not get the signals you need. Thanks for reading, I hope it helps!

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

Lack of signals is a big problem. I can do pigeon so easily but a wonderful yoga teacher I had ages ago took one look at me and said “don’t do that again!” They gave me modifications and I was so grateful. Thank you for the article - I’m excited to have found a yoga focused stack to help motivate me!

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

If you lack proper signals, always do slightly less than you want to. And props are your friends! The more you focus on engaging the support muscles, especially when stretching, the better you'll feel after. Let me know if you have any specific questions, I'm happy to help!

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Wow! Well done you 👏

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Congratulations! That is a lot!

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G., Cheshir

It's such a joy to read about everyone's wins! Such an uplifting experience.

My win is just finishing and publishing a post that I spent waaaaay too long writing. It's a niche topic (community and systems leadership) and my purpose in writing it was to synthesise years of thinking and learning on a topic, into a coherent narrative. I don't care if no-one reads it (well, maybe I'd care a little). My win is the fact that I used the writing process for me and put it out there in the world, for me, instead of getting tangled up in all the 'shoulds'.

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I think it's great how you're using the writing process for yourself and just going for it. I've been spending a lot of time in writing my posts too, but then again I've always been like that with my writing. The difference is I'm okay with it now.

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Way to go writing your heart out🎉💗

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I'm also on a journey of detangling from the "shoulds," and man does it feel good. Congratulations on pushing past!

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G., Cheshir

Well in other news I went on a short break to Mallorca and talked to strangers, occasionally in Spanish. Sometimes you just have to let go.

Words, writing, this place … mañana, baby🍷

Then I came back and turned some of it into copy: https://amarofpatel.substack.com/p/mallorcing-about

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Of course.

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Jul 30Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G., Cheshir

A few small wins that feel amazing in my forth month on Substack.

As of now, I have 191 subscribers. Grateful!

This week I have 1 paid subscriber — not sure what to do about that?

I had a wobble yesterday with a note that I thought would be short but more and more came out. I had already put out an essay for the week.


How I left my dream job to follow my passion to write on Substack.

After I hit publish, a shame storm hit me — I thought "this is too much, this is several posts in one, not a note.

It received 42 likes and 3 restacks.

It's here: https://substack.com/profile/25021374-prajna-ohara/note/c-63688078

I am surprised but next time I will try to write short and leave thee longer version for a post.

I'd love your ideas?

Happy to be here to read ands write as much as possible.

I'm all in!

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Rose G.

Prajna! I would be honored to be called "The Salty Crone." And kudos to you for following your passion! :)

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Rose G.

Katrina, you sound amazing. I just checked out your stack and I’m gonna come back. I love everything that you stand for and write about.

I’m glad you’re here

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Prajna, you just made my day! Thank you so much!!

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Beautiful Katrina. I love when that happens. I find it happens a lot in Substack.

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Rose G.

Katrina I’m owning it.

Thank you so much!


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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Rose G.

I got goosebumps when I read that post, Prajna... your authentic bravery never ceases to inspire and blow me away! I know you can make this leap because of your wisdom, faith in the Universe, and all the knowledge you have amassed... and you have loyal supporters who believe in you. (And, of course, you have incredible writing skills, and such an extraordinary life story! 😊)

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Karen I got goosebumps reading your words.

Thank you so much! 😊

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Big congrats on your first paid subscriber! I also get the shame storm when my posts are long - I’m working through it and reminding myself that my writing style is often to make posts longer and less frequent… and people who sub to me will hopefully be fans of that!

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Rose G.

Hey Broadwaybabyto

That is a good way to look at it

You never know. The writing begins one way and morph into something completely other

That is one of the things that is so exciting about writing

Best wishes to you !

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

Best wishes to you as well! Definitely important to allow for morphing and growing :)

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Prajna, that is a lot of winning! So excited for you.

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Thank you Robin. Hey, I want to pitch for to Small Stack but I have forgotten how to find the directions, is that something you can point me to?

Thank you!

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Hi Prajna! Guest post submissions have been temporarily paused (the team was getting overloaded from so many great submissions 💗)

Keep an eye here or on announcement posts from the Robins for when they will reopen 😊

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Jul 30Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G., Cheshir

My win was renaming my substack this morning from just “Two Houses” to “Two Houses. Two Painters. Two Parents.”

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That's such an evocative name, Eliza. Great choice!

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Thank you, Robin

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Jul 30Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him), Rose G., Cheshir

Technically, didn't happen this week, but in the last few weeks I got my first paid subscriber! Now I really have to write good.

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Jul 31Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Rose G.

Good for you!

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Woo hoo! Congrats!

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