Very cool Jenna! Hmm - do you know your ideal reader/ client avatar? Is it all clear for them? Easy to navigate? I wonder whether it is actually one niche here but with two types of people who could possibly be interested in it?
I think you hit the nail on the head. Those into meditation who could benefit from guided imagery and those into calming short fantasy pieces that could get into meditation. I just have to figure out how to make sure I’m reaching both groups. Thank you, Claire.
I used to have my fiction and non-fiction under one publication, and the day I lost the most subscribers every week was when I released the fiction, so I moved it to it's own publication. I think I would look to make sure every piece is serving you and your audience. If it is, then you should find ways to make sure you are amplifying your message across all your work. Please of non-fiction authors also write fiction that is meant to amplify their work.
Any recommendations on someone that straddles two niches finding their tribe?
I have a podcast that is two parts meditation and one part fantasy fiction story. It’s meant to help relieve stress and anxiety.
“Fantasy Healing”
Very cool Jenna! Hmm - do you know your ideal reader/ client avatar? Is it all clear for them? Easy to navigate? I wonder whether it is actually one niche here but with two types of people who could possibly be interested in it?
I think you hit the nail on the head. Those into meditation who could benefit from guided imagery and those into calming short fantasy pieces that could get into meditation. I just have to figure out how to make sure I’m reaching both groups. Thank you, Claire.
I feel a survey or a set of polls coming in?
I think so! ❤️
I used to have my fiction and non-fiction under one publication, and the day I lost the most subscribers every week was when I released the fiction, so I moved it to it's own publication. I think I would look to make sure every piece is serving you and your audience. If it is, then you should find ways to make sure you are amplifying your message across all your work. Please of non-fiction authors also write fiction that is meant to amplify their work.
This helped me the first time I checked out your profile when I was starting out.
Russell, thank you for taking the time to reply!