The problem with a bio is that it needs to go on podcasts and panels and other things, so maybe. I haven't seen a great example of somebody doing it, but definitely on your about page. I have a very Russell about page, but a bio that is more boring.
Hi. I’m USA Today Bestselling author Russell Nohelty. I write books filled with magic, mon…
The problem with a bio is that it needs to go on podcasts and panels and other things, so maybe. I haven't seen a great example of somebody doing it, but definitely on your about page. I have a very Russell about page, but a bio that is more boring.
Hi. I’m USA Today Bestselling author Russell Nohelty. I write books filled with magic, monsters, and mythology.
I write the books you read. Some of them at least. Well, I hope you read my books. I guess that’s a bit of a presumption on my part.
At least I hope you will read my books now if you haven’t already. That would be cool.
I like to think of myself as Jason Pargin, Chuck Palahniuk, Naomi Novik, and Kurt Vonnegut’s love baby. Mix all that with some Terry Pratchett and a little Jim Butcher, and you got yourself a stew going. A Russell kind of writer-type stew.
That metaphor got away from me, but if you like those authors, you’re almost guaranteed to like my work.
Convinced already?
Then try out my free novel by clicking the link at the top of the page, or head to the books page to see what kind of stuff I’ve written in my career.
For the rest of you who might have other burning questions…
My books tend to be fast-paced, action-adventure fantasy thrillers injected with a hefty dose of humor. I pace by books for edge-of-your-seat excitement, then populate my worlds with characters you’re bound to fall in love with, and put them in situations that where it is nearly impossible for anybody to succeed, especially them. I would call my books, and the characters that populate them, fun and sassy.
Oh, and magic. There’s definitely a lot of magic and supernatural creatures in my books because reality is the worst.
If you hate reality as much as me, then my books are about as far from it as you can get. They are filled with fairy tales, mythology, magic, monsters, and other “m” words which are equally cool.
None of the uncool ones, though.
I have written oodles of novels and comics, which you can explore in the books section, including Ichabod Jones: Monster Hunter, The Godsverse Chronicles, and The Obsidian Spindle Saga, as well as being the editor for the Cthulhu is Hard to Spell anthology series.
Along with my contributions to the Cthulhu is Hard to Spell anthology series, I have been featured in dozens of anthologies including Cthulhu Invades Oz, Monsters and Other Scary Shit, Parallel Worlds, The Edgar Allan Poe Chronicles, Modern Mythology, Becoming, Tales from the Tavern, War for Monster Earth, Death Saves, Not So Fair Tales, Zombies…We’re Humans, too, Why Faith?, The Great Command Meant, Charlie Foxtrot, Once Upon A Rebel Fairytale, Rising From the Ashes, Unpopular Tales, Myths and Monsters, and more.
I think it should be written like your books, so when people finish it they know whether to read more. This is very much like the human and ridiculousness of my books.
The problem with a bio is that it needs to go on podcasts and panels and other things, so maybe. I haven't seen a great example of somebody doing it, but definitely on your about page. I have a very Russell about page, but a bio that is more boring.
Hi. I’m USA Today Bestselling author Russell Nohelty. I write books filled with magic, monsters, and mythology.
I write the books you read. Some of them at least. Well, I hope you read my books. I guess that’s a bit of a presumption on my part.
At least I hope you will read my books now if you haven’t already. That would be cool.
I like to think of myself as Jason Pargin, Chuck Palahniuk, Naomi Novik, and Kurt Vonnegut’s love baby. Mix all that with some Terry Pratchett and a little Jim Butcher, and you got yourself a stew going. A Russell kind of writer-type stew.
That metaphor got away from me, but if you like those authors, you’re almost guaranteed to like my work.
Convinced already?
Then try out my free novel by clicking the link at the top of the page, or head to the books page to see what kind of stuff I’ve written in my career.
For the rest of you who might have other burning questions…
My books tend to be fast-paced, action-adventure fantasy thrillers injected with a hefty dose of humor. I pace by books for edge-of-your-seat excitement, then populate my worlds with characters you’re bound to fall in love with, and put them in situations that where it is nearly impossible for anybody to succeed, especially them. I would call my books, and the characters that populate them, fun and sassy.
Oh, and magic. There’s definitely a lot of magic and supernatural creatures in my books because reality is the worst.
If you hate reality as much as me, then my books are about as far from it as you can get. They are filled with fairy tales, mythology, magic, monsters, and other “m” words which are equally cool.
None of the uncool ones, though.
I have written oodles of novels and comics, which you can explore in the books section, including Ichabod Jones: Monster Hunter, The Godsverse Chronicles, and The Obsidian Spindle Saga, as well as being the editor for the Cthulhu is Hard to Spell anthology series.
Along with my contributions to the Cthulhu is Hard to Spell anthology series, I have been featured in dozens of anthologies including Cthulhu Invades Oz, Monsters and Other Scary Shit, Parallel Worlds, The Edgar Allan Poe Chronicles, Modern Mythology, Becoming, Tales from the Tavern, War for Monster Earth, Death Saves, Not So Fair Tales, Zombies…We’re Humans, too, Why Faith?, The Great Command Meant, Charlie Foxtrot, Once Upon A Rebel Fairytale, Rising From the Ashes, Unpopular Tales, Myths and Monsters, and more.
Alright. That’s me as a writer.
End of speech.
I think it should be written like your books, so when people finish it they know whether to read more. This is very much like the human and ridiculousness of my books.