I've been on a real journey to find what inspires my creativity the past year and a half since I started my Substack. This is the longest regular writing practice I've ever sustained and coming up with something to write about each week is not always easy. I've found that the easiest way for me to spark something is by grabbing a pen and…
I've been on a real journey to find what inspires my creativity the past year and a half since I started my Substack. This is the longest regular writing practice I've ever sustained and coming up with something to write about each week is not always easy. I've found that the easiest way for me to spark something is by grabbing a pen and a notebook and just writing. I call it a brain dump. It's the most effective way for me to remove any block and figure out what's interesting me that day. It's how I came to write a short essay called "I think you should be bad at more things" that I'm going to post tomorrow - I thought I might have to skip posting this week but once I found this thread, it just kept coming.
I've been on a real journey to find what inspires my creativity the past year and a half since I started my Substack. This is the longest regular writing practice I've ever sustained and coming up with something to write about each week is not always easy. I've found that the easiest way for me to spark something is by grabbing a pen and a notebook and just writing. I call it a brain dump. It's the most effective way for me to remove any block and figure out what's interesting me that day. It's how I came to write a short essay called "I think you should be bad at more things" that I'm going to post tomorrow - I thought I might have to skip posting this week but once I found this thread, it just kept coming.
My post if anyone is interested in reading it: https://themidwestcreative.substack.com/p/i-think-you-should-be-bad-at-more?r=6a3ng
That title alone is epic!