I feel your gardening pain! My brassicas have been a text book fail because they have been decimated by a caterpillar infestation. Dwindling from 12 plants to 5 to…3. Next year there will be netting! Definitely lessons learned. Nature is pretty forgiving and gardens seem to be able to take quite a lot of ‘experiments and experiences’ so I hope your onions have a better year next year!
I feel your gardening pain! My brassicas have been a text book fail because they have been decimated by a caterpillar infestation. Dwindling from 12 plants to 5 to…3. Next year there will be netting! Definitely lessons learned. Nature is pretty forgiving and gardens seem to be able to take quite a lot of ‘experiments and experiences’ so I hope your onions have a better year next year!
Here to be around people also frustrated with their plants/gardens!! The amount of strife I've felt over the past four or so months trying to get rid of these damn fungus gnats in my houseplants is wild.
I can grow plants outdoors but not indoors! Never managed to hold onto a single one, so I feel your frustration! I've heard nematodes are good for fungus gnats. Hope you find something that helps.
Thanks so much! That’s next on my list to buy as a solution. I’ve gone through like 7 different tests and trials. My plants - usually such a pleasure - are wearing me down!!
Every year is a new success and a new failure, and each time I feel a mixture of joy and frustration. But it's the one place where I feel most at home, and no home is ever perfect. I'll say a little garden prayer for your brassicas.
I feel your gardening pain! My brassicas have been a text book fail because they have been decimated by a caterpillar infestation. Dwindling from 12 plants to 5 to…3. Next year there will be netting! Definitely lessons learned. Nature is pretty forgiving and gardens seem to be able to take quite a lot of ‘experiments and experiences’ so I hope your onions have a better year next year!
Here to be around people also frustrated with their plants/gardens!! The amount of strife I've felt over the past four or so months trying to get rid of these damn fungus gnats in my houseplants is wild.
I can grow plants outdoors but not indoors! Never managed to hold onto a single one, so I feel your frustration! I've heard nematodes are good for fungus gnats. Hope you find something that helps.
Thanks so much! That’s next on my list to buy as a solution. I’ve gone through like 7 different tests and trials. My plants - usually such a pleasure - are wearing me down!!
Oh no! Those drive me nuts, too. But I’m an avid outdoor plant pro and a total indoor plant rookie.
Every year is a new success and a new failure, and each time I feel a mixture of joy and frustration. But it's the one place where I feel most at home, and no home is ever perfect. I'll say a little garden prayer for your brassicas.