I'm gonna propose a good friend of mine, Bradley Vee, and his wildly eclectic mix of articles on everything from esotericism and religion to combat sports and combat driving at THIRD EYE LASIK.
This article as a sampler is about the very vexed question that if it's true that God is dead, how come there's never been an autopsy?
I'm gonna propose a good friend of mine, Bradley Vee, and his wildly eclectic mix of articles on everything from esotericism and religion to combat sports and combat driving at THIRD EYE LASIK.
This article as a sampler is about the very vexed question that if it's true that God is dead, how come there's never been an autopsy?
I'm gonna propose a good friend of mine, Bradley Vee, and his wildly eclectic mix of articles on everything from esotericism and religion to combat sports and combat driving at THIRD EYE LASIK.
This article as a sampler is about the very vexed question that if it's true that God is dead, how come there's never been an autopsy?
He also has a wonderful comic novel just out this month, Crushed Trachea Blues
Great detailed review A.P!
Thanks Rose.