Jun 8Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

By library management, do you mean taxonomist? Because I’m the taxonomist you’re looking for.

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That is such a cool specialty! Library management for us means working with our database of listings and finding novel ways to sort, organize, and tag items for prime searchability once the library opens.

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Jun 8Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

Thank you ☺️ and it’s defo the job a taxonomist does 😃, well it’s what this taxonomist did (until she ran out of people who needed her skills 😕). But that bit of work is what I did for the NHS during the pandemic.

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Jun 8Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

JUST APPLIED 😍 vv excited.

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Erin that's awesome!

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Jun 8Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

Thanks for your hard work and benevolence.

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You're gonna make me blush, Johanna!

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Jun 9Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

I would be happy to volunteer to help edit and compile and such.

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Jodi, feel free to visit our Team page for a link to the open positions we have.

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Jun 9Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

When you say guest posts, what kind of writing are you looking for?

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Hi Indraneil, it's awesome that you're interested in guest posting! Take a look at our Guest Posts page in the nav menu for more details and submission info.

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Jun 9Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

I’ve applied. Such a great project to help and support.

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Lynn, that’s awesome!

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Jun 9Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

Love the sign off… it’s a small stack after all! 🥞😄 Now tell me how to get the song out of my head!

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Ooh, sorry! Maybe next week it’ll be “this is the stack that never ends.”

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Jun 9Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

Haha! The bar is too high for me. Applying to volunteer but risking being told (again) you can't give your labor away. ;)

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Ren, I hear that! We’re incredibly grateful to the folks who want to help out no matter what method feels best to them.

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I second what Robin said. We're so grateful for everyone who wants to support SmallStack, whether through volunteering, commenting, sharing, and/or whatever else feels right.

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Jun 9Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

Just sent my application for editing/publishing! Congrats on the success of this project so far, can’t wait to see where it goes

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That’s awesome, Parker!

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Thanks Parker!

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

@Chris Best

I’m intrigued by this…. Great idea.

First, thanks for recognizing we small stacks. I qualify multiple times. I excel at small! :-)

Next, here’s my obsession contribution to the project.

As small stacks we’re typically thought of as the little guys trying to emerge from the long shadows cast by the big dog bloggers here on Substack.

Here’s one way we could leap out of the small dog role and become leaders on the network.

What if Substack wasn’t only a way for writers to make money, but also a way for writers working together to share some of that money with folks far less fortunate than ourselves.

This isn’t my idea. Almost all of the most successful companies have a charitable arm of their operations. I’ll publish a list of about 100 of them tomorrow which will show what good works they’re engaged in.

The reason the most successful companies participate in charitable works is that they recognize that being seen to be a good citizen builds trust with customers, and trust builds sales and profits. That is, good works are good business.

What we small dogs can do is ask Substack to add a feature to the blog interface that would allow any Substacker to check a box to donate some percentage of their earnings to a network wide fund that would cut monthly checks to various good causes selected by the Substack leadership. And/or, one could donate with a credit card.

Such a charity system would enhance the brand of Substack the company, and the brands of any bloggers on the network who wished to announce their participation in the project. Such a charity system would give the outside media fuel for uplifting stories about the Substack network.

As best I can tell, neither the Substack founders, employees or big dog publishers on the network have thought of this yet. Please correct me if that’s wrong.

If true, making the case for a charity function of Substack is a leadership position that we small stackers can proudly grab. The next big improvement to the Substack experience can come from us, the small stackers.

No, wait, I mean The Super Smart Small Stackers!!! Yea, that’s better.


1) Good works are good business.

2) Almost all of the biggest most successful companies do charity work.

3) We small stackers can be heroes, and help lead Substack to it’s next victory.


You’re a writer. Write about this. Share your own ideas on the subject with your own audience.

We can’t expect the Substack team to put time, money and work in to elevating the mission of Substack in this manner unless we do our part and let them know that a “give to charity” function is a feature that we small stackers want and would use.

If you found this Note useful, feel free to share it in any manner that you wish. Or better yet, write your own speech on this subject.

Writers, As Heroes.

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Phil, I love that your very first thought is in lifting up others, especially those smaller voices around us. That’s the heart of what SmallStack is all about.

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Jun 10Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

Hi Robin, I'm interested in the small voices if they're willing to be big voices by looking beyond themselves.

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Jun 10Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

great stuff!!

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10Author

Thanks AK!

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Jun 10Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

I salute what you are doing. How can I join your movement? What is the process in full?

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You're not too late! You can check out our open volunteer positions and submit an application (it's short, promise) on this page: https://smallstack.substack.com/p/volunteer-opportunities

And whether or not you do wind up volunteering with us now or in the future, we're grateful for your enthusiasm and support!

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Jun 14Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), Robin Taylor (he/him)

This looks great is awesome 🙌. What a great idea.

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I don't feel capable. I wish I could help out.

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Doris, we’re just happy you’re here and supporting SmallStack. 🤗

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