May 16Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

I love this! 🫶 Not everyone on Substack is an established author with a large following, or even necessarily wants to be. We're just looking for community with like-minded folks. 🤝

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Absolutely agree, I’m just looking for a platform to share my content, no desire for large followings or publication deals here 😂

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May 21Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

I'm in!!

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May 21Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)


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May 22Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

Exactly why I am here too!

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May 22Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)


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May 27Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

You've read my mind!

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May 27Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)


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Exactly this! It’s a beautiful initiative- I’m in too!

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May 26Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)


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May 16Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

Ha, this is so cool! I remember posting about this idea months ago on Notes, about how this is the year of the Smallstack. You made it happen, Robin. Thank you! How do we go about sending stuff for your perusal?

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Start out by getting listed in the library.


I'm working on a form for work submissions at the moment, more to come about that very soon.

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May 17Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

Thanks for doing this!! I've followed that link and submitted to be listed.

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I submitted too! Hopefully we’ll be colleagues, Sue!

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I can’t believe you’re under 1000 subscribers Sue. I feel like everyone mentions you!! But glad you are able to be listed here so more of the right folks can find your work.

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Lol!! So kind of you Kathryn!! I hope Robin Taylor includes me in the list. I want to be in the company of real people doing real stuff for real reasons other than the siren song of money and fame. I want to "keep it real" and have the public part of my work be manageable.

If you can't imagine I'm under 1000 - I certainly am amazed if you're under 1000 subscribers ... but if so, I can't imagine better company!! 3 cheers for real people doing real stuff!!!! 💚💚💚

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I’m just a tad over 1000 so I’m not asking to be included but I followed because I want to know more of the small stacks

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May 21Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

Hi Robin, I filled out the form and subscribed. I hope you like my "little newsletter that could" or is at least trying to! Thanks for doing this for all of us small stackers!

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Susan, the Little Engine That Could was one of my favorite childhood books. My kids can even show you which page melts my heart every time. (Hint, it’s the food. It’s always the food.)

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May 22Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

I’m going to have to reread it. I don’t recall the food! But “I think I can” has been my mantra my whole life. Well, my adult life anyway!

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May 16Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

I’m interested in SmallStack! What a cool idea!

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May 16Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

Thanks, Robin! I'll subscribe and fill out the form! I'm grateful for the exposure for my smallstack, but also excited for the opportunity to engage with others who are also small. I have often wished for a way to find writers that are just getting started and you are making it so easy! Thank you, thank you!

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Welcome, Cherie! It looks like we're already building a great community here.

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May 16Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

I've been looking for this! I feel bad that I mostly end up reading things from leaderboards that have already gotten plenty of attention, but you just don't see the others! This is great!

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May 16Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

This is so cool! I love getting to know other writers. I think some of the most interesting content and discussions happen in small publications. Very excited about this project, Robin!! Thank you for organizing this.

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This is a win for everyone! So glad to have you here, Rey!

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May 17Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

This is a lovely writerly solidarity project! I try to subscribe to small substacks and promote them so look forward to hearing about more! Thanks

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I love this idea, Robin! I also am really happy you’re the writer doing this for everyone because I know how awesome you are and you’ll keep the space safe, welcoming and most importantly, inclusive.

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Thanks, Reda! I can't wait to highlight the great content of writers and creators with small audiences. I think we're all in for a treat.

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May 17Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

Brilliant idea Robin! Thank you for building the community for us small fries.

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May 16Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

Now I want pancakes 🥞 love this Robin 🙏🏻

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Ditto! Let's not forget crepes, Dutch babies, blintzes...

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May 16Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

I’m also interested in SmallStack! I would love to hear more about it.

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So glad to have you here, Jake!

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Yay, thank you for seeing us! 💕

This group is like a virtual hug to people like me who are still living with the trauma of always being the one leftover child when teams were being picked in school sports classes 😭

I’m just as uncoordinated now as I was then though 🤔 🤷🏻‍♀️

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You too? I hated dodgeball in school.

SmallStack is all about the kids picked last. We're in charge now.

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Oh my goodness me, yes! I totally relate to this *she says as she accidentally bashes her elbow into a wall* Here for the virtual hugs and absoutely love this intiative. The feel of old blogging days got me here, but then I began feeling so lost in the sea of Big, I retreated to my hermit hideout. Thanks for holding space for those of us who want genuine connections with kindreds AND would love our words to reach those we write for 😍

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Helen! Big hugs!

Substack sometimes feels like freshman year of high school in the big city. It’s daunting.

Looks to me like there are a lot of smallstackers who want exactly what you want, and we even have a healthy audience of readers looking to find someone just like you.

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Aww I love your response. I feel your genuine vibes and know that your idea will positively impact so many incredible souls... smallstackers and those they connect with. I'm inspired by what you're doing - thank you 🙌🏻🤩

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May 21Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

Your paragraph here and the name of your pub reeled me right in! Subscribed to you!

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Welcome, Melissa! So happy to have you with us.

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Hello! It's so good to meet you and I love this comment so much! I've subscribed to you and love what you're writing about... we can never have too much joy in the world and you're imbibing it in what we consume in more ways than one 😍🙌🏻

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I am all about the joy, Helen!!

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May 16Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

This is wonderful. I appreciate you trying to help smaller publications.

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May 17Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

Great idea. It can be overwhelming to be in the middle of other writers who have 10s of thousands of subscribers. It's like getting off the bus in the middle of a NYC when you've grown up in the country. This feels like a great way to support those of us who are still building and those who want to stay small. Thank you.

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Annette, you are speaking to my transit roots right there! Can’t tell you how many times I had disoriented passengers on my bus, and I was always happy to help them out, too.

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May 17Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

Ain't that the truth!

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May 17Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

This is so great. I was LITERALLY thinking about this a day ago. As a small publication myself, I felt that growing is an uphill task. But this initiative gives me hope. The fact that I saw this just a day after musing over the condition of small writers, I mean, poetic. Best of luck Robin, this will take off!💚

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Maybe the universe was using your energy to nudge me in the right direction. Growing IS uphill, but hiking up a mountain with a friend makes it feel easier and more joyful. I hope I can bring that to SmallStack.

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May 17Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

Ah! Yes, I completely agree with you💚

Stoked about this. More power to you Robin!

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Couldn’t agree more. Strength in number of friends we walk our path together.

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Great idea! The more ways for small stackers to find and support each other, the better. This is a favorite activity of mine, too. :-)

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So glad to have you here, Tara!

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