Sep 26Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), JD Goulet, Robin Taylor (he/him)

Optimism is the natural response to living. We get up and live our lives not because of orders from some higher or coercive power. We do so because we think it will be a good day. Fear is exhausting, optimism is energizing. We gave tiny worry dolls to our daughter when she was very young. She could whisper to them, place the doll under her pillow and the doll would take the worry away. What a great event, nice to see an adult version in action. Doing something tangible has power.

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Sep 26Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), JD Goulet, Robin Taylor (he/him)

My daughter has a worry doll too - I believe from Guatemala. She said it doesn't work! Ha. But I know the act of transferring her worry out of her is where that muscle is built.

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Sep 26Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), JD Goulet, LC Sharkey, Robin Taylor (he/him)

This is wonderful -- we so need hope, less cynicism and more humanity.

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Sep 26Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), JD Goulet, LC Sharkey, Robin Taylor (he/him)

Intense. I loved reading this. Thank you for sharing, JD.

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Thank, you, JD, for writing this beautiful post. The older I get, the more I am convinced that hope is a prerequisite for resistance and liberation. And hope requires imagining a better world. Your writing resonates so deeply for me because of the beautiful portrayal of a loving, community-driven ritual for imagining a world that hasn't got room for that which is not compassionate, inclusive, and equitable.

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Sep 26Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), JD Goulet, LC Sharkey, Robin Taylor (he/him)

This is so so beautiful. The alley of despair beckons intensely, but I understand in my bones that our thoughts and energy must be on a new future of interconnected loving kindness. How else will it be created? Thank you for sharing your experience, the vivid imagery, and providing tangible hope.

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Sep 26Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), JD Goulet, LC Sharkey, Robin Taylor (he/him)

Such a beautiful evening, it felt like the best parts of the traveling symphony from Station Eleven come to life! I like to think that this is what people mean when they say they're "looking forward to the collapse"- that they want some kind of a reason or excuse to interact with their neighbors instead of everyone being so scared and angry of each other. Taking care of the venues we go to in exchange for food sounds so lovely, and like a great way to build a communal place that people care about. Thank you so much for sharing, JD!

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Yes! “Looking forward to the collapse” can conjure very dystopian imaginings, but I want us to aim for a softer landing.

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Sep 26Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), JD Goulet, LC Sharkey, Robin Taylor (he/him)

I love everything about this exquisite essay. I felt like I was there with you, the reverence the seeing the holding the baby and the drum all of it.

Thank you so much

I look forward to subscribing to you once I’m off my phone and supporting this amazing work. It is so necessary to hear these stories. Thank you again.

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Oh, my heart. Thank you!

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Sep 26Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), JD Goulet, LC Sharkey, Robin Taylor (he/him)

So beautiful. I will read it again when I can drink it all in and repost a few jewels.

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Sep 27Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her), JD Goulet, LC Sharkey, Robin Taylor (he/him)

Thank you, JD. This was wonderful to read. I wish I could have been a part of that ritual too, it sounds so heartwarming ❤️

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