Often when I tell people my background in aerospace they say “Oh I have a sister/cousin/daughter/friend that wants to go into tech/is studying engineering/just started their first engineering job, etc. and could use a friendly ear…” I can offer to connect with anyone who might fall into that category 😊
Often when I tell people my background in aerospace they say “Oh I have a sister/cousin/daughter/friend that wants to go into tech/is studying engineering/just started their first engineering job, etc. and could use a friendly ear…” I can offer to connect with anyone who might fall into that category 😊
Often when I tell people my background in aerospace they say “Oh I have a sister/cousin/daughter/friend that wants to go into tech/is studying engineering/just started their first engineering job, etc. and could use a friendly ear…” I can offer to connect with anyone who might fall into that category 😊