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Hello all!

So many lovely offers in here to help people. I want to offer some help to others but not sure which way to go.

In my mentoring programs I work with people to help them find their focus and what matters. Especially if they’ve come from employment to self employed and have this day to fill as they choose- I tend to bring it down to the art of daily living.

I’m a yoga teacher (former physio) and my passion Is meditation and breathwork so bringing all this into daily routines and making frameworks.

More recently I’ve decided that the reason I might like this is because I might have ADHD and now without my own business (sold my clinic 3 years ago ) and stopping drinking I find myself needed the structure I’ve lost to function.

Or maybe it’s just habit.

Either way. Happy to help anyone who feels they’re struggling to focus it structure their time and have an interest in meditation

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SmallStack, I just love you. Thank you for this wonderful idea. It got me thinking about what I'm doing and what I'd like to move towards. It prompted me to concoct this "station ID break" post for my movement-y publication Vera Monstera. https://jennyparrott.substack.com/p/station-id-break

HELP TO OFFER: I'm a writer and a freelance copywriter. I was a longtime arts educator and dance teacher and now I'm writing children's books. I am happy to work with critique partners for short form children's manuscripts or other short-form essays or work. I'm not great at putting my skills on a soapbox, but I do offer great feedback and and I'm a good brainstorming buddy for any projects arts-related.

PLEASE HELP: I'm thinking about creating a monthly kids series in addition to my weekly essay posts. I'm wondering tech-wise how to do this. Does it live as a category on the navigation bar? Can subscribers opt-in/out? Is it a separate stack?

In terms of creating the kids series...it started as offering free movement prompts for kids to create their own choreography/movement pieces. But now I'm thinking it could be like a little mini Highlights magazine with fun art prompts, readings from my manuscripts, kid jokes and fun weird ephemera. I would love any thoughts!

As always, thank you SmallStack!

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Hi, all. I'm happy to offer assistance for answers to Stack questions. My skills are design and techie stuff. I have two stacks. One for my essays, and one as a service business. I started it to help writers make their stacks beautiful aesthetically, and to teach the finer points of getting the most out of Substack. Functionality, home page design, etc. Hit me up at Style Your Stack for a question or two, and if you'd like to go deeper and engage me, you can DM me. Find me at The Next Write Thing: https://nantepper.com and for styling services at https://styleyourstack.com Have a lovely, fun, and fabulous day!

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I know I have questions for you 😆. But it’s late here so I might have to write it in the morning.

I think I’ve got my tech working ok at least for now. I’m not sure my teal background it working so well. 🤷‍♀️

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Hi Jacqui! I just looked at your stack. If you'd like to make an appointment to speak and go over your stack together, I'd be happy to. But to answer your question about your teal blue background, I don't think it works. I'm not a fan of colored backgrounds. The white type against your color choice specifically doesn't provide enough contrast for accessibility. I'm still a fan of white backgrounds. Then you can add color selectively through image choices. The link's above if you'd like to discuss other possibilities. Have a good night!

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Ah thank you. Yeah I’m inclined to agree with you. I’ll make a change and see how that feels.

I’ll book though 🙏🏻

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Super! Good. Yeah it really doesn’t work. It really makes reading harder, I usually don’t even stay to sample writers who make that styling choice.

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Request from anyone that knows video. I have a few ideas for some on-location videos I could do for my newsletter. I have an iPhone 13 and a Canon EOS Rebel T7 that I could use for video. What's the best thing to do for audio, especially if it's myself and another person?

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Because of the stigma, there are only four of us so far that I have found who are writing about life with psychosis or schizophrenia on Substack. My favourite is The Manic Messiah. He may not be the messiah, but he’s a bit of a voice in the wilderness on here right now (see what I did there) and very brave. Why don’t you have a look at what it really feels like to experience delusions, hallucinations and other unusual symptoms and how that can impact a life from the person themselves? A genuinely unique perspective.

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Lots of interesting shares and discussions on a variety of topics for this SmallTalkd #8. It took several minutes to peruse.

I've been on Substack a little over two years now with two Substacks. My An Abundant life is a weekly that is closing in on 100 posts. It should be more if I really was consistent at the start. I know I missed a few this year, but I put a lot on my plate. It's still a small list of subscribers, but the size is not important. What is important that I have a pretty good open rating for the newsletter and people are enjoying it. I don't expect it to be huge because it is in the niche of Christian living.

The advice I have is that we are not meant to write for everyone. We won't supply a quality that inspires them to engage with you for the long term if you try that route. Also, you might see 10% or less of the true impact you are having because most of us read and run on to the next thing. However, we remember the things that truly grabbed us. Those will lead us to sub, but it may take several viewings of things to do so. It's a trust factor that the writer is authentic in what they write that will make us come back and fulfilling the need their writing supplies.

I can say the same for my Christian Fantasy books. That's a definite niche, but those that find them have enjoyed them and even had help with their faith. That's what I wanted to happen so I'm happy even if I'm one little fish in the sea of words.

This is why small is okay and far more fun. You can supply a niche of readers with what they truly want.

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Request: I'm an autistic, chronically ill stay-at-home parent and am working on my first poetry book. I don't have a lot of capacity for marketing, so I'm trying to decide what way would be best to try to publish. I would love to reach people with my work, but I'm not likely to be able to travel much or do a million interviews, as I'm still recovering from autistic burnout. I'd love advice about publishing options, especially from fellow neurodivergent or chronically ill folks.

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In a very similar boat, but instead of poetry I have memoir & fiction, and instead of kids, I have TBIs. So...like...kids inside my own head. Hahahah! I wish I had suggestions instead of just "Yup. I have similar issues." But at least we can row around in circles and clink cups of our favorite beverages. Cheers!

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Cheers! 🧡

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Maybe if we all raise our hands with "me too!" we can either figure out how to jerry rig the Systems together, or if the Systems realize just how many of us have these same issues, perhaps workarounds could be built INTO the Systems themselves. You know...like ramps for people in wheelchairs, and sounds at stoplights for the blind. For those of us with Hidden Injuries, Illnesses & Disabilities, the solutions aren't so obvious. Especially because neurological stuff is so individually flavored. Thanks for putting this out there and opening up the conversation!

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I really appreciate you adding your experience here! If nothing else, I feel less alone.

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I was hoping we’d at least have that!!

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I commented before with a request for help, but I'd like to offer some help too: if you're going through a rough patch and want someone to talk to (or if you just want to shoot the shit), feel free to DM me :)

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First of all, the SmallStack discussion series are some of my favorite posts on here and one of the few opportunities I've come across to interact with a lovely community ❤️

Second of all, lately it feels like I need help just to find the motivation to get out of bed lol. But here goes a more specific request: I would love to connect with freelancers in creative fields for tips, advice, encouragement and war stories. I'm getting started as a freelance writer and it's such an overwhelming process!

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Really happy to connect and chat with you. I’ve run another business and battle my morning demons but I’ve found a few things that help to keep the work going.

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Hello everyone! Nice to meet you all. I don’t think I have much to write at the moment, but I’m happy to be here and looking forward to connecting with you.

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Thank you, SmallStack’s admins for creating this discussion!

Offer: If you are a musician and you write songs about social issues, depending on the song, I might be interested in interviewing you for an upcoming article!

Request: If you are an EFL/ESL teacher, please consider introducing your students to my Substack, Social Issues in Song. All articles are written at CEFR B1/TOEFL 450+.


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My writing is like a Vitamin, makes you feel good about taking care of you. I can offer some perspective on a life situation that you might need an outsider perspective to help understand/ move you through it.

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Hey hey!

This is a long shot but here goes something.

Request: I recorded multiple podcast episodes via Zoom. I was in a room that echoed, didn't realise this till I listened back. I need help with separating the tracks and editing them separately so it's bearable to listeners. Even if it's just instructions, I am happy to DIY it.

Offer: I am a WordPress website designer and a content writer, if you need help with any of these, DM me!

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What a great note. Thank you. Randy.

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Often when I tell people my background in aerospace they say “Oh I have a sister/cousin/daughter/friend that wants to go into tech/is studying engineering/just started their first engineering job, etc. and could use a friendly ear…” I can offer to connect with anyone who might fall into that category 😊

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Hello friends, Wizard here, if you have a burning question I'm happy to flip you a Tarot card and provide a few sentences of explication. Might have to be a limited-time offer as I'm in the middle of moving house: shall we say 24 hours starting now?

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Ah. Sad I missed this.

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Go on Jacqui- I have a moment

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Ooh thank you.

How do I get a better relationship with money and start making some again after selling my old business 3 years ago.

I’ve realised I’ve developed a scarcity around money and bad spending I didn’t use to - partly after having cancer and not knowing how long I had. ( I’m completely well now and not fearful about my health). 🙏🏻

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Jacqui, you got the Queen of Disks / Pentacles / Coins. This says to me that there is a Money-Queen self who can be called upon: this is a card of financial abundance and security. (The Queen is prudent, though: she cuts her coat to fit her cloth.) Also, the Queen is served by the Knight, so it might mean seeking help from someone else- a financial advisor of some kind.

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Thank you. That’s interesting. I do have an advisor already. I’ll bear all that in mind 🙏🏻

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Any last minute questions before the window closes?

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I love tarot, so I hope this is still on the table! My question is: am I on the right path for professional success and fulfilment? My professional life has been a dumpster fire for the past two years and I'm eager to put it behind me and start fresh.

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Hello Luna, you got the Two of Swords, Peace. This is a truce card, but also a card of passivity- learned helplessness. Maybe you've been too nice- or not nice enough? Either way, from the place of stuckness you're not even seeing things clearly: make some decisions, take some actions, exert your will. I can also see a creative partnership between two equal minds- there's energy there.

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This makes a lot of sense, because "stuck" is exactly what I feel most of the time. I'm doing my best, but I feel that it all depends 90% on luck. However, it seems that I need to press on, ramp up the activity and keep putting my work out in the world? A sentence that stood out for me in my tarot book was "Because you can't figure out with logic or intellect how to proceed, you must rely on blind faith that the universe will handle things". Does it mean I have to take action, but also trust the process?

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Hey Rosie! Great offer.

Question: Where is my money? 😭😭😭

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Hello Nobuhle! You got the Moon. Money as cyclical, waxing and waning; the moon as a coin. (Maybe you're just in a dark-moon phase right now? Or maybe there's something you're not seeing clearly?) Hard-times bottleneck has to be gotten through- just keep on walking the path til the phase changes.

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Yikes! I guess I walk the path.

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Might also literally mean aligning your work to the Moon: I often do that- post on a full moon, or new moon. Or your bodymind: Do some moon-gazing, see what happens

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Thank you, I will try this.

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Hi Rosie! Awesome offer!

Here’s mine: I’m back and forth as to if it’s really time for me to build my own thing independently, go back to work at “a job” for a while first, or some combination of the two. ✨ 🙏

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Hello Amanda, you got the Hierophant: structure, tradition, a role within an organisation. Obvious reading is 'a place of work'- but it could also mean that if you strike out on your own, it would be wise to seek counsel from networks / mentors etc. Approaching in the right spirit will mean unlocking secrets and shortcuts from those who remember the old-fashioned ways.

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Wow, what creative and insightful interpretation 💡 💡- thank you!! 🙏 🙏

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Yes please! My question: I'm trying to understand when enough is enough eg. I could tinker with language in my sci Fi novel indefinitely. Thank you 🪄

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Hello Elizabeth! You got the Ten of Swords. Flippant meaning: it's over when everyone's dead. More seriously, too many ideas / words = chaos; you need to remove rather than add, I think. (Another meaning I can see is that a complicated-way-of-writing cycle is due to come to an end.)

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Oh and I just saw you're in Welly! I lived there for 10 years. Enjoy the spring!

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Amazing and thank you!

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Hi Rosie, that's a very cool and generous offer! I have a question: What do I need to know right now about building a career that aligns with my highest self? Hopefully I worded that okay. Let me know if that'll work. Looking forward to the reply!

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Hello Robin, you got the Six of Wands, Victory! There is fuel for you in collaboration and public celebration. Luck comes by way of visibility- don't be scared to go big.

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Hi Rosie! I hope your move is going well. (I thought I posted this but I do not see it anywhere) I was wondering if you could aid in giving me clarity on this big thing I feel is about to happen in my life. It feels positive and exciting but I’m a planner so I would love an idea of what to expect. I would love to see what card you get and hear your insights. Thank you 🙏🏾

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Hello Badiana, you got Adjustment / Justice. Rules, laws, karma. This card is a bit of a vigilante / superhero figure, fighting for what's right, concerned with fairness. There's a balancing act between self and other. Keep your boundaries and mind clear: everything balances on your will.

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That’s beautiful! Whoa - life is a delicate balancing act and the scales ⚖️ are at my will. I will keep using my intuition/spiritual voice to move and keep the balance. Thank you.

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Hey Rosie! Good Luck with your move.

I get the feeling something major is about to happen to me. I have ideas but want to see what you get when you flip. What major thing should I prepare for. I’m a planner so I like having an idea of what’s coming.

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Whoa! "Don't be scared to go big." This hits me like a punch to the gut, but in a good way. Thank you, Rosie!

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It’s a very lucky card for any kind of creative enterprise. I would suggest going full Leo, if that makes sense. Fabulous! Proud! Extravagant! Generous!

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