Here’s mine: I’m back and forth as to if it’s really time for me to build my own thing independently, go back to work at “a job” for a while first, or some combination of the two. ✨ 🙏
Here’s mine: I’m back and forth as to if it’s really time for me to build my own thing independently, go back to work at “a job” for a while first, or some combination of the two. ✨ 🙏
Hello Amanda, you got the Hierophant: structure, tradition, a role within an organisation. Obvious reading is 'a place of work'- but it could also mean that if you strike out on your own, it would be wise to seek counsel from networks / mentors etc. Approaching in the right spirit will mean unlocking secrets and shortcuts from those who remember the old-fashioned ways.
Hi Rosie! Awesome offer!
Here’s mine: I’m back and forth as to if it’s really time for me to build my own thing independently, go back to work at “a job” for a while first, or some combination of the two. ✨ 🙏
Hello Amanda, you got the Hierophant: structure, tradition, a role within an organisation. Obvious reading is 'a place of work'- but it could also mean that if you strike out on your own, it would be wise to seek counsel from networks / mentors etc. Approaching in the right spirit will mean unlocking secrets and shortcuts from those who remember the old-fashioned ways.
Wow, what creative and insightful interpretation 💡 💡- thank you!! 🙏 🙏