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has been a wordsmith since the second grade. He comes from a long line of storytellers and embellishers. He didn’t set out to be a transgender activist, but creating space for trans and queer folks to find our community has brought him a special kind of transjoy he wouldn’t give up for anything. Robin’s writing connects the human aspects of parenting, growing food in his backyard, traveling, and navigating his gender transition in midlife. He’s kind of a mess, but it’s all a good laugh to be had with friends.

is a creative writer who daylights as a marketing consultant. She has had many jobs and identities over the years — awkward middle schooler, pretentious theater geek, aspiring academic, ethically conflicted marketing professional, and other stuff along the way. First and foremost, however, she considers herself a writer. She has loved creative writing since age eight, yet spent much of her adult life writing only for her job or not at all. She started Creative Letters to help her get back in touch with the joy of creating for its own sake. She also publishes Easeful Marketing, a marketing Substack for people who hate marketing.